
Lease with confidence

Say goodbye to scattered documents, missing email attachments, and misinformation. Gain access and insight into a renter's portfolio of certified information and rental history.

Clara renter profiles are organized, streamlined, and fully verified so that you can make informed decisions about how to fill your properties.
Landlords Static image

Next available = Best available

When properties are empty, assets become liabilities. Sometimes you need to choose the next available renter rather than the best one.

Speed and quality are no longer mutually exclusive. Clara helps you minimize costs and maximize revenue generation by filling your properties as quickly as possible with the best renters available.
Sign up for Clara
Information you can trust
We've removed the risk of application fraud by pre-verifying renter information, so you can focus on filling your properties with the best tenants.
Go beyond a credit score
Clara provides you with applicant information beyond just a credit score and background check, making it easier than ever to find the best possible renter.
Fill your properties and your pockets
Clara helps cut your search time and fill your properties faster. Less downtime means more rent collected, helping you maximize income from available properties.
Love for Clara

"As an independent landlord, finding reliable renter can be a daunting task, but Clara has transformed my screening process."

Emily, Landlord in Houston
Plaid and Clara Partnership
We're proud to announce our partnership with Plaid, an advanced security and encryption tool used to safeguard your data and provide industry-leading information security. Plaid also directly verifies Clara renters and landlords alike, so that you can feel safer about who you're renting from or leasing to.